Daily American Republic from Poplar Bluff, Missouri (2024)

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Poplar Bluff, Missouri

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SATURDAY EBRUARY 16 1925 Datlif Antrricau Sli'imbltr PAGE SEVEN IN THE REALMOSPORTS NEWS Read EBP OH CMS TfflEEBOODBOUTS ORM? YOU BET! EME MIT CH BUT 8E11S POM Come toll the bell and tint the kn li br I 1 1 i med hat proceeded down the ights Last Night 4 tin with all tin 216 lin Hut he Hit rcond Hakim finally twist OLLE'E BAMvII BALI Big ix onliTiuce bus bet ball cbam Te ifei ence But li pr lorina 3 take he up lift IP advantage ai the half turn gelher OkI ill a By Tile A Aiming tlieir He isiunal at 21 and Kv i Hi Alihmieh Dutra ami the of 1'iirt land Ore alTaii' 41 of Ileal with a par 71 and Huns WRESTLING LAST NIGHT Southern California Chadron Milford 39 Nebraska Wesleyan of the Dons Indians Lutze 0 many two falls to one 0 0 (I Ray DETERMINE DAMAGES STARTING EARLY Cun and Venzke will at the same old Miskoviteh Stahl tier Doiis At the I Ivan levan The melancholy days are come We pause to shed a tear or Hakim lost an eyeball And Chancy lost an ear husker at the Henderson Schober Hope Garrison knocked out 147 Pittsburgh (4) Hollywood Calif for a nine rou nd Henderson 15 points But do not curi it might be worse Thank God got another Jackson Niswonger Crites Rogers Wessell Hope Godwin Rogers Wilhelm straight falls Lewiston Me Wallace sea de 71 they were trailed closely enough to make today's round a wide open olleee 28 Kom is burg I ci Kansu Doniphan Mm Eel state championship school Indian wept before the Doniphan sissi ppi State 53 'I ulni" Vanderbilt JI Loumuina Stat Drake 45 Iowa State 42 Jay hawkers Gain In Bix Six Race Doane "1 York 27 Milford 39 Nebraska Kearney Teachers from Indiana on whoa: trail he camped for weeks featured the Amer ican Legion Mike Meruney wrestling show at the Jewel theater last night simply would not be game was played before crowd of the year Two Indian massacres and a battle between an unmounted and Hor Picard op it) wuthwe tern margin furious all holding a half call Roy Welch the Lincoln Ni 16 The Ja" haw kers haw negotiated Inirdle their dash that tl By The Associated Press Kirksville Mo Web Although the Kirksville Teachers won eight I straight games and their seventh Mis souri Intercollegiate Athletic Associa tion championship in nine years the 1934 football season resulted in a $950 loss to the athletic department Kirks ville's 1 1 naniially successful 1933 son however helped balance the partnu budget favor of the Shades overhauled them 24 all The box score game follows: Doniphan Martin I Wight 1 ootball Showed Loss for Bulldogs 1 ne lead led four times as braska made a ligh 1 1 ell'oi to et Dr Allen's aggregation Young 46 tali 50 State 30 Denver 39 15 Montana 23 Mill's 18 Colorado Col hearty right hand the unconditioned count in the final In return be got the thanks of Mrs Camilli and a bloody nose Tin bloody imse was live contribution Tilt1 playboy champion By HERBERT BARKER The Associated Press New York eb ninghnm Bmithron be doing business stand tonight These three aces him forth Imdilv and then to elect him from toe rm i took him 11' minutes to Imskv little Indian witn short arm scissors but onlv three to take the second fall with body slam Selim Omar Hakim the turbulent The biggest crowd of the year saw three thrilling matches Io open the program Roy Allen ol Pensacola Honda entered the wigwam of 1 rank with a bony slum 'f'lie grudge mu Ins count rvrnen A rim man mas parently all but knocked outsecond tall alter bmng to belong to Ann Pennington who used tlieir beauty to bring Ini' fame on the star' She and Mrs Georgia Coleman Gilson Olympic diving a i shown In background were golfing at Miami when tin pic ture was snapped 'iiiciiiuat Bull Curry Hartford Conn defeated rankie Hart Hol i land 22:69 (Hart disqualified) Moines Berger De feated I ou Plummer Chi cago two falls to one (Plummer dis qualified) Boston Dan Ireland California re last night It 'lotcat at the The Associated Press Chicago John Pacck 188 Chica go outpointed Eddie Hogan Waterburn Conn (6) Geno tore La Salle 111 outpointed Eddie Carroll Ottawa Ont (6) Mike Bel li ise New York outpointed Paul Lee Indianapolis (6) could ob liis oppon ent at any stage of the fight if he chose but he preferred to play at be ing groggy hiumelf and demonstrate a little of everything he had in the way of swings and clowning Baer weighed 213 and the some what paunchy 217 pounds the ring Welch claw cd bulk Clianev low tackle ah' f'O'lc slam at the state tourivnneul They have one of their best teams in years and have lost only one game this season 1 In a preliminary contest the Shade Specials of Jackson a semi pro team beat the Doniphan Shell Oilers 27 to 26 It took three overtime periods to decide the result and a field goal I I I 1 I 1 1 kklvvl' 1 1 I CA 111 (I 1 UU1 iuiy LIJV utvv IM the third period decided the issue The score at the half was I 1 to 6 in trilj lint the Oilers i to tie the score at Utah Aggies 57 Mont ana S' yoming 31 Greely State Brigham Colorado Gonzaga San rancisco eb 1 (' AP) I Max Baer did everything but stick out his tongue or knock out Stanley of New Jersey as Im paid off i a debt to Mrs "rankie Campliell" in a four round boxing match here last night i Net receipts of close to $15 non I went to Mrs Elsie Camilli widow of rankie Campbell who died after a fight with Baer lu re in 1931) The heavyweight champion donated his services a lot of clowning and one By The Associated Press of mid Cincinnati eb 16 "And children (lie distance runners will clash for whatever you do don't trump your the second time this indoor season in playmate's the Baxter mile prime fixture of the New York A games in Madison cla Kansas itv Stage Lines 38 Mary Maxie Rosen outpointed lorida (19) This gives the Dolls an oven break1 in their two game series it the i Indians They lost in a counter by a small point The game was fast ami the way with the lead throughout Three Track Stars To Clash Tonight Texas Tech 35 New Mexico 37 Washington 37 Washington State Wash i ti 19 Tulsa 27ubtirn 28 Sewanee 13 East Central Oklahoma Northwest Okla Teacher Southeastern Okla Tear Dutra Galloon in Lend at Phoenix i 0 6 the I he' lankv 1 Bunny Torpey of Kansas City lieu t)iey i 'V leant ol Hershey 'ri I ton Smith bracketed at 7 igg est i evently won the Agua Caliente en St Marys 47 Nevada 28 Santa Clara 27 San rancisco Mike Su: nell preenwood Mo ell 16 (AP) An attempt to determine damages for land which would bo inundated by the proposed two mile lake near Green wood in Jackson county will be held the Baxter mile prime fixture of the 1 This may be heard in Cincinnati I here Monday night New York A games in Madison classrooms if recommendations to be I The Pleasant Ilill City Council and Square Garden Another capacity: made by Robert Martin bridge in 1 business men there will attend ns crowd such as packed the Garden to struetor for the public recreation com' i Pleasant Hill has been asked to pay 1 see Cunningham beat venzke by six mission are followed I property damages for inundated lands yards and Bonthron by twenty five I Martin' suggests a course of bridge in return for the right to use Hie lake in the Wanamaker mile of the Mill as part of the hi'h school curricu i water as a municipal supply i rose games is assured i hmi The Associated Press St Evurett Mar hallJunta "In threw George Ivov 7V7 i sm i 4 far fet' hoil I fa iiliadiaii 4 1 He wre no ut anyway he Jlei knees mav not Im in per fort golfing position but who 'ares' Tile lillCCS liaRDCn to WE SPECIALIZE IN Ignition Generator Starter Battery and Electrical Work of All Kinds PHONE 313 SECOND ST SERVICE STA DAY AND NIGHT STORAGE Expert Motor Repairing Washing Greasing Tire Battery and Radiator Service Let Us Get Your Car in Shape for Winter Driving BROADWAY GARAGE 2 Door South of City Hall rriio inosi valuable guar untec of luisines progress is specialized trainiiig This liool is equipped to train you in any bmncji of busi ness Consult with us BluIT City Business College Phone 828 SANDERS President SAVE with SAETY bv Insuring with the STATE ARM MUTUAL AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY See MORSE HARWELL AGENCY 11 Du Wields Sword of Italy fdwt WbB Milt i 1 tWI Mwi iM iWO 7 i ol In addition iv lv rattling the sword over Musso lini Italian 1 i wields bit ral one in his tavtirite sport ol itting Jlti l)itc? in his ton iu'4 clothes in his moot recent i nne ol ins most striking portraits Advertising Charges ('lassUici ads two cents per word for lirt insertion and one cent per trd for caeli additional da Cards if thanks limit 150 words 1 50 Obituaries not to exceed 300 words 100 over that amount one uunt per word Nl'tices 15 cents per line of seven words I ORREn I or Kent One sleeping room niod lein 315 Oak street Phone 1251 I 16 31 I or Three furnished bed OR SALE or Sale My plait denied nulcs outhwr 4 of bOdin Mx o' acres thru roin houe fni i i ijootl water S2'0 ash Writ lie i Stauif Lt iniw (hh Mu Jox Opt If or Sale arm 38 acres 4 nulfs west city Highway 60 Basem*nt ibiuse barn poultry fruit stand tine bearing orchard De a budded fruit Berries Wil! sell farm or divide into three lots to sell Thurmond Routt 6 Poplar Blutf Mo laJt i or Sale Piano gd condition Mrs Robbs 8' (Jak St 1 I 3t or I I ord 8 Radio Seo Don at ields McCarthy Radio Shop 1 1 31 rooms modern Phone 751 Mrs Charles Gierse 15 51 or Sale or Trade ixe room bun galow 3 acres garage barn chicken or Rent and board in mod ern home Jentlemen preferred Phono 433 3t or Rent A bedroom in Phone 18 14 3t I or Rent Bedroom Phone 4 23 13 Gt i or Rent Stea hea ted bedroom i with private bath Phone 143 2 tf I or Rent Sleeping room urnace i heat 329 Short ifth St Phone I 423 or 181 11 Gt I or Kent Unfurnished six room apartment on Elm street Phone 719 or Phone 3 1 2 tf LOST house woodshed 12 Elbertu peach trees other fruit trees Electric lights two miles north on Highway 67 Scruggs 201 Broadway ity or Phone 91 14 61 or Sale Baby chicks from stock blood tested fer white diarrhea by Missouri University Tube method reactors removed Custom hatch i ng Hntehery 2 9 tf or Sale or Rent Typewriters and adding machines Phone 828 Bluff City Business College 9 24 tf WANTED Ladies copy names addresses for mail order firms Good pay Experi 1 mice unnecessary no canvassing Write stamped envelope United vertiaing 1114 DeKalb avenue Brook Lost Curly haired terrier while orang'e spots red collar Reward $5 A orbes ('all No 4730 16 31 Lost emale pointer white with lemon colored head Answers to name Reward 708 Kinzer St 1 6 3t lyn It Earn up to $25 dozen embroidering scarfs home Everything furnislied Write Art Embroidery ''2 1 llmgm) I Jersey itv It hxthanwe New feathers i'or pair I yellow canaries Mrs Risby Pied IS IMS BL BE Illi HOB? TDBEY Sikes t1) Mo ilj Ihilt or the rctfiunul to lijim'nl be hl here io quaili i ei in i oiupt le in tile state i i rm men uro bto 2' and 28 and Mach I uhJ 2 it vm announced tudav bv Sept Roy Elhsc uhujiimiu ol the rmrional emu milice whicli ai incium Ischultz of aot? uaideau uril Georpc Bno iav oj Dexter members 1 he double i remim sv tem will 1 used and bv io icinmiiuc were unnnyrhiim i and Her bert Moure ol i 'plar 1 I nil loams to cm oete h' toinna in ut here will uc Advan'u Bent i ape entrid ape Preps Diehlstadt ui'iil ol rmtkiml Jackson Iu 1 le Mcrehou Mor ley Dak Ridp Poplar Bluil ami Silclun Los Angeles Derby Draws ine Horses By The Arsociuied Press Los Angelo eb 16 The finest array of yumg Hiormigh bi'eils ever to grace a vvc li rn track will he call ed to the io today for the Santa Anita derby and its $20090 added money While the overnight entry list of 21 was expected to lie pared down before post time to approximately a dozen the result of the mile and six teenth race was expected to have an important bearing on the Kentucky Derby two nimiths hence Nominations for the annual Churchill Downs classics were ex pected to include a goodly share of starter Oklahoma Defeats mmit Mo 1 1 Springfield Wins MI11E5KWW MfflSBHH defending Missouri (Oisburg team 55 A irrensourg their annual Hash (U) Tlu 0 10 19 4 II llamin Donnelly Mowery Slayden Wildcats Hopkins Snider Kasey Baker Coffman 1 tiie prine irime His lU'ld goal in the closing mute of the is ue ol a tightly play ee entest won the gime for Sliringlield he score Schmerbauch Referee: Taft I'he Sming champions the I A i race odav I Poplar Bluff Mule arrensmu Imweo in its ehird con rutr defeat rnu mopped from Hie lead Spring In 1I defeated ape Girar (h'au 11 to 12 in an "'ert me thriller here last night and breKc a ihree with Maryville are tied for second place Maryville was defeated by ho Kan sas Stage Liners 26 to 38 at Mary ville The collegians allowed Kansas City to gain a 10 to 10 lead during the first half before settling down The last half was played on virtually team hold mme than Wilson "ays More nishings and work tools sells for cash 210 Vine street Phone 432 1 23 lnm OR SALE Vacuum Cleaners With or without attachments All standard makes and late models not rebuilt but just like new $1000 to $2750 Will deliver anywhere Phone 37 or write 0 Box 400 Poplar Bluff Mo each team tied for high seoriiig hon ors with two held goals apiece Waiensburg made a desperate but futile in the la half to over come Kirksville but the odds were ton mueh Trading 7 to 15 at the start of the second half the Mules tallied 26 points against 18 for lie liulldiigs but it was not enough Towers with 16 points set the scor ing pace for Kirksville while Won man led Warrensburg with 12 points Warrensburg and Cape Girardeau an scheduled to play tonight They the isk High School i Icats at he school gymnasium here last night to I'halk up a 50 to 12 victory Al Ho time did the Wildcats liave a chance and had Hie Mules themselves the score would probably have been much larger Glenn Mow ery center was high point man with II but Captain Dick Planer and Ir vin Reed were close behind with 10 cadi Snider isk forward scored 6 (mints The Cape Central Tigers call here next Thursday for with iho Mules The box score: Mules (50) kineiy for home fur liccau ho (dumbia Mo eb 16 The first indoor track meet of the sc will put the I' Diversity of Tigers against Iowa Stalo Coach II 1 Hull' said he pend on George Hardy yard and mile runs Bob Bi asloy in the mile Sid Cooley and Dave I'Hxtow in the sprint's Art Lochiner in the weights Bo) Short in the high jump and Sam Teter in the hurdles and pole vaults COAL ALL KINDS AT RIGHT PRICES Home lee uel Company Phone 705 or 24 Wanted Second hand furniturv andstoves Ihdno 704 Overbey urni ture Company 10 21 tf Tigers and Iowa To Meet on Track CENTRAL WINS ayette Mo eb 1 6 A I Central College defeated William Jewell 39 to 32 here last night in an overtime A game which left the relative standings of the two teams unchanged Central led 18 to 16 at the half The score was tied at 32 all at the end of the regular period Hale of J'Well and Burgel! of Central were high scorers ipuire I MaraRMMaHIIIIMiuurdng rl I Kansas State Team i By Th( Associated Press Manhaltan Kas eb 16 Edgar Warren a forward came through in i the pinch to li ml Oklahoma in a 24 io 22 basketball victory over Kansas i State here la i night I With two mmiites left to play and i the Sooners nailing by two points I Warren who previously been benched wa i nt in and he fired two baskets that mined what appeared a defeat into a ilnililng win 1 TEETH HI CAME BACK i By The Assn luted Press I Kan eb 16 Mrs A Impl'i' ld again is usirg nn up per set ol false teeth she lost 12 i years ago The plate I mind in a hole in a neighbor's ynid was cleaned and pol ished "As good a ever" slie comment ed I or Dependable Radio or Amplifier Service Of Any Kind CALL 313 SECOND ST SERVICE STA John Pottenger Service Mgr NEON SIGNS MADE TO ORDER Due to low overhead and NO LOCAL SALESMEN we can fur nish Neon Signs that even the smallest business can afford CITY NEON AND SIGN SERVICE Under New Management 223 S1 Broadway Phone 523 Taylor Biggs Mgra.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.