Student Success 2023 Progress | Michigan State University (2024)

Primary Metrics

Key Initiatives

Graduate student experience

Student Success 2023 Progress | Michigan State University (1)MSU is improving the graduate student experience in a variety of ways. The University Fellowship program focuses on recruiting and retaining a more diverse body of students while increasing the number of participants to 50 per year — a 25% increase — by 2028. Additionally, the newly titled Office of Graduate Life and Wellness strives to ensure graduate and professional students are provided meaningful opportunities to improve their overall well-being by helping them to thrive while achieving their academic and professional goals. The initiative’s progress and the overall well-being of graduate students and graduate professionals will be measured through workshop and activity participation metrics, resource accessibility and surveys.

Strengthening advising

Student Success 2023 Progress | Michigan State University (2)MSU is investing in student advising through the Advising Initiative, which is building a new shared model of advising for all first- and second-year students. The model, being developed with all 14 undergraduate colleges and the Office of the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education, creates strategic student transition plans that support major exploration and identity development as well as overall student success. To advance the effort, work groups were established to assess the advising process and make recommendations on student pathways as well as lead personnel and organizational change and communications efforts. In addition to the 15 advising staff members hired in the past year, the university plans to hire 15 to 20 more by fall semester 2023.

Some college, no degree student access and success

Student Success 2023 Progress | Michigan State University (3)MSU is working to become the premier Michigan university for individuals who have attended some college but have not completed a degree. These students have unique needs and often encounter barriers to enrolling and completing their education. MSU’s efforts to support these students include transforming curriculum, adding completion advisers and providing financial support as well as building business partnerships to enhance access for students in the workforce. Students looking to complete degrees will benefit from MSU’s increasing number of courses offered online or scheduled during the evening and on weekends. MSU is also in the process of expanding its educational offerings to include three to five new certificate programs by 2024 and will present a proposed policy regarding credit for prior learning to Academic Governance in the fall of 2023.

Student sense of belonging, supporting persistence

Student Success 2023 Progress | Michigan State University (4)MSU is increasing access to education with four new efforts that cultivate a sense of belonging and support persistence through graduation.

  • The Black Student Success Initiative works to eliminate disparities in educational outcomes for Black students through a deeper understanding of their experiences, needs and hopes. The effort includes a student advisory committee, undergraduate research opportunities and mentoring.
  • The Transfer Student Success Project works to transform the way transfer students are supported at MSU by aligning operational needs and creating more equity in policies. The Envision Green program — in which Lansing Community College students can finish their degree at MSU — will expand into a cohort-based program with the first group of students beginning in the fall of 2024.
  • The Retention Data Mapping Project focuses on identifying all the places student retention data is housed, who has access and how the data can be better aligned and connected to enhance efficiency and lead data-informed improvement efforts.
  • The Executive Committee on Student Retention and Operations Retention Group are working to mitigate disparities evident in persistence and graduation rates and increase degree completion rates for all students. The goal of the work is to close opportunity gaps in persistence and graduation.

Student resource coordination

Student Success 2023 Progress | Michigan State University (5)MSU is establishing a one-stop shop for student services to streamline access to the services students need to support their success. This model provides a seamless experience that reduces mental strain and supports persistence and degree completion. MSU plans to integrate select enrollment services, student accounts and customer support and technology platforms with a consolidated and simple 360-degree view of student data to help provide seamless service. The model will be phased in over three years with full-scale operation anticipated by summer 2026.

First-generation initiative

Student Success 2023 Progress | Michigan State University (6)MSU is inspiring first-generation college students to persist and graduate by eliminating barriers and providing high-impact learning experiences and ongoing student development. In the 2023 academic year, MSU hosted the inaugural First- Generation Appreciation Week, including participation from Athletics, ASMSU and the Neighborhood Student Success Collaborative Pathways Program. In addition, the First-Generation Leadership and Innovation Vanderploeg Scholars program kicked off with 38 first- and second-year students who received scholarship funds and wraparound services such as professional advising and peer support as well as opportunities for undergraduate research and education abroad.

Expanding Honors College access and opportunities

Student Success 2023 Progress | Michigan State University (7)MSU is enhancing opportunities for students through an elevated and expanded Honors College. The Honors College’s Academic Scholars Program pathway encourages 200 high-achieving, first-generation and/or Pell-eligible students to excel early at MSU and join the Honors College at either the end of their first semester or year. During the first four years of the revised program, 65% of Academic Scholars were admitted to the Honors College. The college is growing to include more students by focusing on innovative student success programs and high-impact experiences. In academic year 2022-23 the college served more than 4,400 students, up 11% over the past 5 years. In the same period, students of color increased from 17% to 23% and international students increased from 4% to 8%. Honors College students are highly engaged: 74% participated in a research experience last academic year.

Collaborative policing

Student Success 2023 Progress | Michigan State University (8)MSU is enhancing community safety through a partnership with the East Lansing Police Department. The Proactive Engagement and Community Enhancement (P.E.A.C.E.) Team works to address community concerns with long-term solutions both on campus and in the city. Efforts toward crime prevention and proactive education help students and community members feel safer and provide a healthier environment for learning and living.

Student Success 2023 Progress | Michigan State University (2024)


What is the MSU student success plan? ›

MSU's award-winning Student Success Initiative aims to increase graduation rates and close opportunity gaps for all students, including first-generation, low-income and historically underrepresented populations.

What does student success at the university mean to you? ›

“Student Success means the fact that students can meet their expectation in what they get out of learning. Each individual has to want to learn for the university to help. To be motivated to learn and excited to meet their goals in their academic career.”

What is the summer bridge program at Michigan State university? ›

MSU Ignite is a 5-day residential bridge program intended to support students' transition from high school to college and allow them to learn more about our academic programs.

What are successful university students awarded upon completion of their studies? ›

A diploma or title awarded to students by a college or university after successful completion of a program of study. An undergraduate degree awarded by a college or university upon successful completion of a program of study, usually requiring two years of full-time study.

What is a student success plan? ›

The Student Success Plan is a working plan that is dynamic and visited periodically by the student and an advisor or mentor to support the overall success of the student to graduate ready for postsecondary opportunities.

What is MSU best program? ›

Welcome To MSU Best

The goal of MSU BEST is to empower trainees to develop professional skills and experiences which will permit them to pursue careers that will be personally and professionally meaningful.

What are examples of student success? ›

Successful students ...
  • attend classes regularly and they are on time.
  • they get all of the missed notes and assignments from other students or from the professor.
  • turn in assignments complete and on time.
  • are attentive in class. ...
  • take advantage of extra credit opportunities.

What is the student success completion grant? ›

QUESTION: WHAT IS THE STUDENT SUCCESS COMPLETION GRANT? Answer: The purpose of the SSCG grant award is to provide the student with additional financial aid to help offset the total cost of community college attendance, and to encourage full time attendance and successful on-time completion.

How do universities measure student success? ›

When it comes to student success metrics, board members regularly hear a litany of benchmark numbers—graduation rates and metrics related to retention, progression, completion, postgraduation labor market outcomes—but the challenge is often to determine which numbers really matter and why.

Are summer Bridge programs worth it? ›

Boost Student Retention Rates

Summer bridge programs are a great way to foster connections between students and their academic advisors. During these programs, academic advisors can get to know their students on a deeper, more personal level. This kind of connection often leads to academic success, too.

What is the bridge program in Michigan? ›

The Summer Bridge Program at Michigan Tech is a multi-week academic experience designed to set up incoming first-year students for success. This residential program bridges opportunity gaps and levels the playing field by providing scholars with: A strong sense of belonging within the Husky community.

How long are MSU summer classes? ›

Summer sessions are divided into two main seven-week sessions, each offering a variety of semester-long courses concentrated within the seven-week period. This format permits students to complete course requirements or explore new subjects while attending school for only half of the summer.

What is the university definition of student success? ›

Student success is a measure of student engagement and positive outcomes. In higher education, the term typically refers to first-generation and most historically marginalized students. These groups drop out at higher rates and have greater need for institutional support.

What determines student success in college? ›

Defining student success relies on the two very important things—metrics and student perception. While administrators use measurements like GPA (grade point average), attendance, and exam scores to gauge success numerically, students might have a different point of view.

What is the student success rate? ›

Success rates are essentially the combination of both the retention and completions rates. However, since these are annual calculations, it is possible for a student to be both retained and graduating in the same academic year.

What is the student achievement plan? ›

School Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA) are a comprehensive document providing details about the school's planned actions and expenditures to support student outcomes and overall performance, and how these actions connect to the school's Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). California Education Code sections ...

What is the purpose of a campus master plan? ›

The Campus Master Plan is a road map to the future of the physical campus, a plan for the facilities and systems needed to achieve the University's core mission, enrollment goals, as well as academic, student life and administrative goals.

What is academic success program? ›

The Academic Success Program (ASP) provides instructional support to meet the unique learning needs of individual students.

What is the Student Success Jobs Program SSJP? ›

SSJP enables students to successfully embark on the college application process, increases positive, consistent adult involvement in the lives of students, and encourages students to develop lasting friendships with peers from other neighborhoods and high schools.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.